


I have heard about Painting Love for a while now, and I love everything about it. I was wondering how can I get involved?

I live in Birmingham, Alabama. At the heart of a lot of history. And I heard about Painting Love back when I was in high school. I took AP and was told to paint love. And I wasn’t sure how to do that. I started googling and came across Painting Love. I loved everything about the idea and always wanted to help out. Now I’m about to graduate college and want to get involved before I enter the working world.

I managed to form a small team of people to help me out. We were thinking of doing a session sometime soon when the weather is still nice out. And more then likely we were going to do it at a college campus which is in the city as well. There is a lot of traffic in that area from students and city dwellers. What do you think?

Thank you.

Mariam M Ladhani


We are excited! We are doing it march 25th!


I did! It was very nice! A lot of people came to participate
Let me get all the photos uploaded and I will send them to you!

How are you? I am good! I have graduated college and finally working :).

Mariam M Ladhani


Hej Bjarke

Jeg heder Caroline og går på en amerikansk skole her i Shanghai, Kina. I år er mit sidste år på gymnaciet og jeg er ved at tager et IB Diploma (et gymnacium bevis så jeg kan komme hjem og læse næste år). I dette diploma skal vi lave et projekt som kan værer alt fra at lærer at spille et instrument til at hjælpe/volunteer på et børnehjem.

Jeg har set dit projekt med Painting Love og også den youtube video med “Muri & Mario – Mio Amore” og har nu selv tænkt mig (lige omkring Valentine’s dag) at få alle børn til at male på kanvas rundt omkring i skolen, hvor børn er helt fra 4-5 år gamle til 17-18 år ligesom mig. Med det sagt ved jeg ikke hvad jeg skal med malerierne eller pengene efter. Min mor siger hun meget gerne vil købe nogle eller hjælpe med at få dem på auktion.

Men efter at have hørt dig snakke om at hjælpe skoler i Sri Lanka osv så tænkte jeg det ville være lidt vildt hvis jeg kunne komme ind og støde det samme som dig. Jeg har selv været i Sri Lanka med skolen til noget der heder “Habitat for Humanity” så at støde noget der nede vil værer rigtig fedt.

Jeg håber at du selv syntes det er okay at jeg laver dit projekt her ude og at du har nogle idér til hvad jeg skal efter projektede.

Men tak alligevel få at inspirere mig – og du må unskylde hvis mit dansk ikke er helt perfect. Har boet i Kina de sidste 14 år.

Caroline Nørgreen
En studerende af Shanghai American School


Hej Bjarke

Så bliver Painting Love imorgen

Det bliver til et stort event på skolen, hvor der skal kommer godt 2500-3000 menesker. Har 15L maling og tre 150x120cm lærreder. Så det bliver fårhåbeligt en succes. Emailer dig igen så snart jeg smider lidt film og billeder sammen.

Super spændt 🙂

The Painting Love paintings from Shanghai (done by Caroline Nørgreen)

Andreas Brixen’s picture from the exhibition

Fini Alring’s pictures from the exhibition

Berit Marker send us this after she heard about Painting Love

Berit Market's Painting

Berit Market's Painting

“Traveler one” wrote a blog about her experience with Painting Love in Albania:

i just stumbeled across it one day on youtube.. and went to the site and everything.. and i thought it was an amazing thing. and a wonderfull idea. we need more ideas.. and people like you guys in this world, no doubt. im doing an indy project in one of my art classes.. and im going to do the whole painting love thing. i hope you guys dont mind. i just loved the whole idea so much and i thought it would be a lot of fun to do it around my house. like in detroit.. and royal oaks and stuff.

Megan June Marsac


I am a foundation student at the Cyprus Academy of Art and I recently found out about your project while researching for a project of mine related to art. I think what you are doing is very interesting and revolutionary too. Is it possible to run your project in cyprus as well? It might be very interesting to find out how cypriots picture love. I could help in the whole procedure.
Best regards,


Hi Bjarke, I just want to ask you if I can put the video: 5 min Panting love on myspace, I really like it and I want to show your work to more people.

Please do not hesitate to contact us:

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